The sale quantity ranking of K-POP boy groups at the first week after release by August, 2015!

The sale quantity ranking of K-POP boy groups at the first week after release by Augutst, 2015
was posted on a Korean online community and drew netizens' attention.

Netizens who saw this had reactions like ,'Certainly SM is the power house!',
'I have all the albums in the ranking haha.', 'SHINee's ablum concept is difficult' etc.

#1: EXO EXODUS 267,***
#2: EXO LOVE ME RIGHT 194,***
#3: SHINee Married To The Music 69,***
#4: SHINee Odd 67,***
#5: INFINITE Reality 64,***

#1: EXO EXODUS 267,***


 #2: EXO LOVE ME RIGHT 194,***
 #3: SHINee Married To The Music 69,***

 #4: SHINee Odd 67,***
 #5: INFINITE Reality 64,***
▲Image Source:SM Entertainment
Woollim Entertainment