[Photo News] '2015 Korea Popular Culture & Arts Awards'

K-Pop stars including JYJ, Girl's Day Minah, Yura, Sojin, and IU attend
the 2015 Korea Popular Culture & Arts Awards held at
the National Theater of Korea in Jung-gu, Seoul on October 29, 2015.

Main Picture: JYJ spotted togetherr at the photo zone for the reporters

The National Theater of Korea:
The National Theater of Korea was opened in 1950 as the first national theater in Asia.
The theater is the base of operations for four performance groups:
the National Drama Company, the National Changgeuk Company, the National Dance Company,
and the National Orchestra Company. By supporting these performance troupes,
the National Theater strives to globalize Korean traditional arts, modifying select pieces to reach a larger audience.

▲Image Source:© News1